Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution Review

Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution
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I've followed the terrific work of Ann Louise Gittleman, MS, CNS, PhD for years, and it's clear that after 30 books, many of them bestsellers, she has established herself as a leader in identifying the latest health challenges, as well as in presenting cutting-edge, common sense approaches to help resolve them.
Zapped is an eye opener. A fascinating, well-researched, and well-referenced book that looks at the health consequences of our constant exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and electronic pollution.
We are marinating in electromagnetic fields -- with homes and offices filled with wireless wi-fi internet, smart phones, laptops, electronic games, cordless devices and appliances everywhere. In Zapped, Dr. Gittleman makes a compelling argument for the health impact of this constant exposure, and outlines the research and studies behind the latest health concerns related to electronic pollution. In particular, Dr. Gittleman talks about -- and includes in her references list -- many of the studies that have found that exposure to electromagnetic fields may be associated with Alzheimer's disease, ALS, heart disease, miscarriage, birth defects, infertility, mood disturbances such as depression, and quality of sleep. Of particular concern is the link between EMFs and cancer, especially brain tumors in cell phone users. She also outlines her concerns about the particular danger that electronic pollution poses for children.
The most practical part of the book is the room-by-room guidelines to help you minimize exposure. And, as a holistic nutritionist by training, recognizing that some exposure can not be avoided, Dr. Gittleman also provides strategies -- including nutritional and lifestyle approaches -- that may help physically shield us against the negative health effects of electronic pollution and EMFs.
In the book, Dr. Gittleman asks you to mentally take a walk through your grandparents house, and count up the number of electric and electronic appliances. In most cases, there are very few -- a television, a radio, a phonograph, some electric lamps, maybe a few electric kitchen appliances, and perhaps an alarm clock in the bedroom. Then, you think about just your own bedroom, and you realize the extent of the electronic pollution.
In just my own bedroom, there's a tv, a DVD player, a cable box, an alarm clock, my laptop, my Kindle, a cell phone charging, an Ipod charging, not to mention the cordless phone, and the wi-fi that goes throughout the house. I have to admit that after I read Zapped, I felt so uneasy about the extent to which my family and I are exposed to various electronic devices that I already started making changes recommended by Dr. Gittleman, including:
* When making cell phone calls, switch sides frequently
* Use "Electronic Feng Shui" to reposition appliances and electronics in the home to minimize exposure to EMFs
* Remove Wi-Fi and cordless phone chargers in the bedrooms
* Do not locate sofas and beds on the other side of a wall from a refrigerator
* Don't cradle your laptop in your lap, and especially not when pregnant
* Keep cell phone calls short
* Get the cell phone out of your pocket
* Text rather than call whenever possible
* Use the phone in hands-free mode versus up to your head/ear
As a patient advocate, I know how important it is to overall health that we identify and minimize our exposure to toxins and chronic environmental stressors. While we are surrounded constantly by electronic pollution, Dr. Gittleman has given us a practical program to help us identify the greatest risks, minimize exposure, and protect ourselves and our families from the needless and potentially harmful dangers of electronic pollution.
~ Mary Shomon, Thyroid Patient Advocate, Author

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