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(More customer reviews)I thought this book was great. It struck the right balance between being a comprehensive primer on the topic, having enough detail if you decide you need it and not going into too much detail about stuff that is dealt with elsewhere - like CGI programming or generating pages from languages like Perl. If you want that then buy Leraning Perl or CGI programming on the World Wide Web.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Learning WML, and WMLScript: Programming the Wireless Web
The next generation of mobile communicators is here, and deliveringcontent to them will mean programming in WML (Wireless Markup Language)and WMLScript, the languages of the Wireless Application Environment(WAE). The WAE allows information in almost all applications to beformatted for display on mobile devices, such as cell phones, andenables the user to interact with the information.
Why learn yet another technology? According to some estimates, 75percent of web document viewing by the year 2002 will be throughnon-desktop devices, many using wireless technologies. Clearly, the futureis wireless. For web developers who want to get up to speed quickly inthese languages, Learning WML & WMLScript maps out in detail theWAE and its two major components, WML and WMLScript.
Fortunately, the WAE provides a World Wide Web-like model for writingapplications, incorporating several key features of the Web to ease thetransition for developers. Almost all wireless applications can bewritten with WML, which replaces HTML in the wireless environment, andWMLScript, which replaces JavaScript. With this book, web developerswith some knowledge of programming and C, Java, or JavaScript syntax caneasily master both languages.
Chapter by chapter, Learning WML & WMLScript takes readersthrough the following WML topics:
Decks, templates and cards
User Interaction
Variables and contexts
Tasks, events, and timers
Text and text formatting
WMLScript topics include:
Data types, conversions and variables
Operators and expressions
Standard libraries
Learning WML & WMLScript is the resource of choice forapplication developers who want to upgrade their skills and their sitesso they won't be left plugged in during the wireless revolution.
Click here for more information about Learning WML, and WMLScript: Programming the Wireless Web
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